Monday, February 25, 2013

real estate location is important but whose?

Now anybody in the business worth his/her salt knows when it comes to buying or selling any property location will one day play a pivotal role in its future saleability. But contrary to what you may think this is not a discussion of property location its a discussion concerning the location of the prospective Realtor used to list ones home for sale.

When interviewing Realtors is it important to owners that their Realtor live on their block right next door to them, or perhaps in the same building, or in same complex or at least in the neighborhood. While this on the surface may seem to be very important there is no data to support the belief that if your Realtor lives nearby you that they will do a better job for you then another Realtor who doesn't. 

The question is not whether or not your Realtor and or even their office is nearby you,  its what does the Realtor and or his office bring to the table that will help you sell your home faster and for the highest price possible.  Does it really matter where they are located or does it matter what they can do for you where you are located.

Don't be so quick to dismiss any Realtor just because they or their office isn't the closest to your home.  Do yourself a favor and give then some time so you can find out how they can help you, give them time to explain their marketing strategy, find out if you like them  which IMO is very very important, do you trust what your hearing from them, do you like their idea etc.

Remember the Realtor you list with is almost assured not the one who will sell your home, it will be another Realtor who found your listing in the Multiple Listing Service. So If the Realtor who sells your home doesn't live on your block, or in your building, or in your complex or in your neighborhood will you really care, I donut think so, so why put so much credence in the location of where your Realtor lives and works. The location of your listing agent is not as important as their ability to properly market your homes for sale which has noting to do with their location as much as it has to do with their motivation.

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